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Challenges and Strategies for Elderly Immigrant Professionals Navigating Cultural Transitions

CARLDI works with elderly immigrant professionals (seniors 65+ years old) who have spent decades practicing their careers in another country. These individuals relocate legally through programs like family unification and become immigrants in the United States. We refer to them as "immigrant professionals" because of their extensive professional experience outside the United States.

Understanding Culture

Culture encompasses a society's customs, traditions, social institutions, social groups, practices, religions, moral values, clothing, symbols, language, art, norms, belief systems, and perspectives. It shapes a person's identity and informs how traditions are maintained. Elderly immigrants are born into, live within, and mature within specific cultures. Some cultures are homogeneous, with shared language, beliefs, practices, laws, and religions. Others, like Nigeria, are highly diverse. Elderly Nigerians from the north may have Islamic backgrounds, while those from the southeast may be Christian, leading to different values and relationships.

Two women in matching vibrant attire share a moment of joy at a thoughtful gathering, highlighting their camaraderie and cultural connection.
Two women in matching vibrant attire share a moment of joy at a thoughtful gathering, highlighting their camaraderie and cultural connection.

These individuals have developed perceptions about life, existence, and interpretations of events. They have expectations of themselves and others in interpersonal relationships, all based on cultural norms internalized over their lives. Moving to a new country exposes them to vast differences in attitudes, communication styles, and interpersonal relationships. Many choose to stay within familiar environments with family, while others actively engage with the challenges of cultural and socio-economic transitions.

Cultural Transition: A Personal Journey

Cultural transition is the personal ability to navigate unfamiliar situations in daily life within a new environment. It's a mental process that unfolds in stages.

  • Initial Encounter: This stage involves encountering new ideas, customs, or actions. It can lead to shock, excitement, or a desire to learn more.

  • Reflection and Integration: Individuals reflect on their experiences, interpret their feelings, and decide whether to embrace or reject the new ideas.

The impact of these transitions may not be immediately visible. Some elderly immigrants readily embrace new experiences, while others may express strong emotions like excitement or disgust. These emotional rollercoasters are common during cultural transitions.

Uniqueness of Elderly Immigrants

Cultural transitions, while challenging for all ages, can be particularly difficult for elderly immigrants. They arrive at a later stage in life, with a strong desire to find meaning in a new culture far removed from what they've known. The emotional toll, though not always physical, can be significant.

Life Transitions in Different Cultures

In some societies, transitions like adulthood involve predetermined paths guided by mentors. Young adults undergo training in various life experiences, culminating in external tests by the community to confirm their readiness for adulthood. This process equips them with the knowledge and confidence to assume their roles as husbands, wives, parents, and community members.

The Challenge of American Work Culture

Elderly immigrants often arrive with extensive professional experience and knowledge of their home country's work culture. They leave this behind to navigate the American work culture, which has its own distinct communication styles and behaviors. This shift can be a daunting experience.

CARLDI's Support Services

CARLDI recognizes the challenges faced by elderly immigrant professionals and aims to prepare them for a dignified and fulfilling life in American culture. We offer the following services:

  • Educational Workshops: Teaching American history, civics, government, culture (lifestyle, food, religion), American English pronunciation, American work culture, community health services, and more.

  • Bible Study: Offered monthly.

  • Networking Opportunities: Creating connections and fostering relationships among elderly immigrant professionals.

Successfully navigating cultural transitions can be difficult, but with CARLDI's support, elderly immigrant professionals can find their place in American society and age gracefully with dignity.


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